Tips, Trends, & News

Fire Safety Plan for Your Organization…

Fire Safety Plan for Your Organization…

How to Create a Fire Safety Plan For Your Organization Fire is a devastating and deadly event and one that you can’t forecast happening. It can pose a dangerous threat to human life and property. Every year, thousands of fire incidents are reported in Canada....

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Fire Extinguisher Placement Guidelines For Your House…

Fire Extinguisher Placement Guidelines For Your House…

House fires are a much common emergency. It goes without saying that extinguishing the fire as quickly as possible before it turns into a blaze is vital to safeguard and preserve invaluable assets, and to that end, you will need to utilize a water fire extinguisher....

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Outdoor Summer Fire Safety Facts and Tips…

Outdoor Summer Fire Safety Facts and Tips…

Summer always calls for outdoor parties with its warm and comforting nights and compelling atmosphere. Cooking outside and having fun is highly recommended, but do keep in mind that summers are times when the number of grill fires peak. Let’s get some fire safety...

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Fire safety guide: Everything You Need To Know…

Fire safety guide: Everything You Need To Know…

Increase in the death rate due to fires: Fire causes a painful death and leaves sad memories behind. The fire death rate increased in a few years by almost 4% in the United States, especially in Columbia. According to, a fire department reacts to a fire...

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