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30 Jun, 2022
Posted by Tas Fire Protection
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What Do You Use to Put Out an Electrical Fire?…

The second most common cause of house fire accidents is an electrical fire, which involves some sort of electrical malfunctioning. Even though there are several reasons why electrical fire hazards start, the chilly winter months are an especially prominent time for these kinds of fires. When compared to other forms of fires, they cause the most substantial amount of asset damage and the largest fatality rate. Anywhere there is electrical energy, there is a possibility of an electrical failure, specifically if the circuit network is not secured. Any facility with electrification, including homes, businesses, retail malls, and institutions, is susceptible to catastrophic fires, which take thousands of innocent lives worldwide each year. 

A gadget linked to the main power source may malfunction or experience an electrical overcharge, creating a terrifying fire scenario in which it would be imperative to respond immediately and responsibly. One thing that should be considered the most in the event of an electrical hazard is how to put it out effectively and in the proper way. Although water works well enough to put out most sorts of fire outbreaks, you shouldn’t ever use it to put out an electrical fire hazard. This is because water conducts electricity, which might produce electrocution or hasten the fire’s spread. We’ll look more closely at how to put out an electrical fire in this article. 

A Fire Extinguisher

The best means to put out an electrical fire outbreak is with the help of a fire extinguisher service, and it is highly recommended to have at least one in good working order across every story of the house or the building just in case. Any type of fire extinguishers used to put out electrical fires will be rated accordingly. For instance, an extinguisher labelled “C” may put out Class C fires, which include electrical fires. A fire extinguisher is most beneficial when the electrical hazard is extensive and is spreading rapidly and huge. A fast-moving, enlarging fire makes the situation more dangerous. 

It is only mandatory to use a CO2 fire extinguisher. It is the finest resource in such circumstances because it is not a conductor of electricity. Additionally, this doesn’t damage the electrical panel and doesn’t produce any garbage. A polyvalent powder extinguisher (ABC type) can also be used; it does not carry electricity and, when triggered, forms an adhesive covering that encourages oxygen seclusion and stops combustion. The ABC extinguisher may leave behind debris and might harm machinery or its components.

The Fire Blanket

If you have a fire blanket accessible and it is appropriate to do so, use it as quickly as you can to further prevent oxygen from fuelling the blaze. If you don’t have a fire blanket, you can make do with a heavy blanket or item of clothing. Ensure the object is not made of flammable material to prevent escalating the flames. If the fire outbreak that was caused by an electronic malfunction is comparatively small, you might be able to conceal it with this blanket to limit the supply of oxygen that the blaze needs to burn. 

Remember that you need to use the fire blanket to extinguish a fire rather than simply throw it in its direction. 

  • Before you approach the flames, cover your hands by rolling the blanket’s corners over them. Gently lay the blanket over the fire. 
  • Avoid throwing or shaking the blanket because then it could add extra oxygen to the flames and might cause a bigger fire. 
  • You need to give the blanket at least 15 minutes to sit undisturbed. At this time, refrain from approaching it. 

If the flame is too large, a blanket is unlikely to benefit.

Disconnect the Power Source

Disconnect the Power Source

Start by cutting off the power to the fire’s origin. Unplug the device right away if that is the cause of the fire. By turning it off, you can decrease the probability that the fire will spread and you can use your extinguishing resources on the current fire. If you are unable to disconnect the plug of the source appliance, you must turn off the power in your house or building. 

Go right away to your junction box and switch off the electricity if you can do so securely. Once the power has been shut off, you are no longer in danger of electrocution, and the flame’s origin has also been switched off. Electrical contractors must give a proper information regarding power supply.

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The Baking Soda

When you’ve disconnected the source of power, sprinkle baking soda on the blaze if the fire started in an appliance or on a cord that was overloaded. This is also a major component in Class C fire extinguishers, as baking soda contains the chemical sodium bicarbonate. If a microwave or saucepan catches on fire, keeping an open bottle of baking soda nearby might just save your life. Although most individuals only think of baking soda as a cleaning product, it could also be used to put out fires. 

To assist in putting out an electrical fire, make sure you know where it is in your kitchen so you can immediately locate it and drop it on the blaze. Having a  kitchen fire suppression system also helps reduce the overall damage.

To avoid burning or injuries, you must sprinkle the baking soda while keeping your hands away as much as possible. 

  • Drop gently and directly onto the fire’s origin from the container. 
  • Be sure not to touch the device while sprinkling baking soda if the electricity hasn’t been switched off.
  • It’s a popular mis-perception that baking soda can be substituted with any kind of flour. Avoid doing something like this since it can exacerbate the fire.

Seek Professional Help

If the electrical fire hazard is uncontrollable and you cannot contain it by yourself, the best and most effective way to put out the fire is to seek professional help. Call the nearest fire safety services you can access and let them help you put out the fire. Until they reach the premises of your house or building, you should keep trying to contain the spread of the fire and prevent it from exploding or moving on to other appliances. 

Ensure that you have done all the basic precautions in case of an electrical fire, such as unplugging devices and cutting off the electrical supply. This will make the job of the fire safety team easier, and the damage caused can be extensively decreased. 

How to Prevent an Electrical Fire

Nonetheless, of all the methods and tricks that you know to put out an electric fire, the most viable and effective way to do that is to prevent the hazard in the first place. Preventing the root causes is always better than effectively dealing with the consequences. There are many things you can do to prevent fires of any kind, much alone electrical fire hazards. 

The most crucial factor, though, might be making sure that your home has functional smoke detectors.

  • Check the connections and cabling in your house on a routine basis. 
  • A licensed electrician is qualified to identify issues and implement any required changes.
  • Any heat-producing devices, such as space heaters, should be unplugged while not being used.
  • If the power cord is ragged or broken, avoid connecting it to any kind of device.
  • Electrical cord tampering can help prevent electrical fires. This is the process of cutting off the third prong in a three-pronged cord. 

If you have been unlucky enough to experience an electrical fire in your building or your house, you must act quickly to prevent irreversible damage. 

At TAS Fire Protection, we can assist you in effectively fighting the fire hazard and help you save your property and assets from permanent damage. Because we are aware of how challenging coping with fire damage may be, we make every effort to protect your properties and premises. We offer a wide range of services from fire safety installation systems, 24-hour security alarm systems, electrical contractors to evaluate your house/commercial property, installation of smoke detection systems and so on.


Contact Us (905-870-7779) for a Free Consultation!

About TAS Fire Protection

TAS Fire Protection offers comprehensive and cutting-edge fire protection and security services to commercial, industrial, and high-rise properties. Our team of highly skilled professionals has years of experience in installing, maintaining, and inspecting fire alarm systemsfire sprinkler systemsfire extinguishersfire hydrants, security alarm systems, and more. We understand that fire safety and security is essential to the protection of lives and property.
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